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Everything students need to know to utilize Albert.
How do I view my active assignments?Learn how to find the open assignments that your teacher assigned.
How do I answer assignment questions?Learn how to answer and submit questions in an assignment using the "Submit Answer" and "Next" buttons.
What is the Elimination Tool?Learn how to use the elimination tool to help narrow down answer choices by hiding them from view.
How do I take an Albert assessment?Take full advantage of your Albert subscription by completing Albert assessments.
How do I answer FRQs?Learn how to write and submit your answer for Free Response Questions (FRQs).
How do I submit oral FRQ responses?Some AP® Free Response Questions (FRQs) require oral responses. Learn a few ways you can submit your oral FRQs to your teacher.
Where are your FRQs and DBQs?Learn where to find document-based questions and free-response questions on Albert.
How do I practice independently on Albert?Learn how to practice Albert questions on your own without your teacher assigning practice.
Student FAQs about Independent PracticeLearn about Frequently Asked Questions related to independent student practice.
How do I search for questions on Albert?Teachers and students can utilize the search feature to filter for relevant practice and assessment questions.
How can I view my data?Learn how to view your performance and grades so you can improve in areas that need additional practice.
How do I purchase a subject upgrade?Learn how to purchase and access a subject upgrade.
What is your refund policy?Learn more about our refund policy for student subscriptions.
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?Learn how to reset your password.
How do I delete my student account?Learn how to permanently deactivate your account.