If you forgot your Albert.io password and need to access your assignments, we make it easy to reset!
Click on the Log In button.
Click "Forgot Password?".
Enter the email associated with your account. A link will be sent to your email to reset your password.
Note: Be sure to check your Spam folder for the password reset email, just in case.
If you previously signed up with Google or Clever, you can click Log in with Google or Log in with Clever and select the email used to sign up for Albert; no password is needed.
If you are looking for Albert.com, a banking application, this is not that website. To connect with Albert.com, please contact:
- Text: 63937
- Email: support@albert.com
- Twitter: @meetalbert
- Help Center: Canceling your Albert.com account
If you cannot access your school email account, please contact hello@albert.io.