To begin searching, navigate into any of the subjects on Albert. From here, you can search for questions on the specific subject by:
Learning Standard (CCSS, NGSS, ACT, College Board, and select state standards)
Content Tag (keywords)
Question Text (prompt, answer options, and explanation)
Standards Available on Albert
To make standard search easier across subjects, many of our standards include prefixes.
Standard | Standard Prefix |
Common Core State Standards | CCSS |
Next Generation Science Standards | NGSS |
Advance Placement Standards | No prefix required |
Pre-AP Standards | Pre-AP |
Alabama Standards | AL |
Alaska Standards* | AK |
Arizona Standards | AZ |
Arkansas Standards* | AR |
California Standards | CA |
Colorado Standards | CO |
Connecticut Standards* | CT |
Delaware Standards* | DE |
District of Columbia Standards* | DC |
Florida Standards | FL |
Georgia Standards | GA |
Hawaii Standards* | HI |
Idaho Standards* | ID |
Illinois Standards | IL |
Indiana Standards | IN |
Iowa Standards* | IA |
Kansas Standards* | KS |
Kentucky Standards | KY |
Louisiana Standards | LA |
Maryland Standards | MD |
Massachusetts Standards | MA |
Michigan Standards | MI |
Minnesota Standards | MN |
Missouri Standards | MO |
Nevada Standards | NV |
New Hampshire Standards* | NH |
New Jersey Student Learning Standards | NJ |
New York Standards | NY |
North Carolina Standards | NC |
Ohio Standards | OH |
Pennsylvania Standards | PA |
South Carolina Standards | SC |
Tennessee Standards | TN |
Texas Standards | TX |
Utah Standards | UT |
Virginia Standards | VA |
Wisconsin Standards | WI |
Washington Standards | WA |
C3 Social Studies Standards | C3 |
ACT Standards | No prefix required |
SAT Standards | No prefix required |
PSAT Standards | No prefix required |
*These states are aligned to mathematics and ELA standards only
Standards Searching
You can search for standards by name (e.g., RA R.1), category (e.g., CCSS), or description in the Standards drop-down. When you type in text that matches one of our standards, the drop-down will populate with appropriate standards.
Open the Standards drop-down then select the Standards Set modal and search for relevant standard sets, such as Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics or ACT® College and Career Readiness Standards.
After selecting the standard set, click the Apply button.
Once you've found the desired standard set, you can search for individual standards within that set by name (e.g., PA CC.2.1.7.D.1) or description in the Standards drop-down menu. As you type, the drop-down will populate with appropriate standards.
Select the standard you're interested in finding questions for by checking the corresponding box.
After selecting the standards, click the Apply button.
Note: For added context, you can enable descriptions by clicking the Show Descriptions option located at the standards modal.
Tag Searching
Albert's questions are tagged based on the content areas they cover. A complete list of subject tags can be found in your subject's Overview sub-tab.
To search for a tag, click the Tags drop-down within the subject and enter the search bar's content area you're searching for. The drop-down will populate with tags that match your search. Click on the desired tags to search for questions.
Question Text Searching
To start a question text search, click on the search bar on the righthand side of the subject guide and type your search term. This will filter the questions to only those containing the search term in the title, prompt, answer options, or solution explanation.
[Pro-tip]: You can combine these search methods to narrow your search further.
Searching from a Question Solution
You can also search for Standards and Tags within a specific question. After answering a question, scroll to the bottom of the question solution to view the associated Standards and Tags.
These Standards and Tags are clickable and will filter the questions in the subject guide to only the aligned questions.
Note: All Albert searches are based on exact matches. The broader your search term, the more likely you will find results. For example, if you search for the tag "place-value-relationships," you will find only results with that specific title. If instead, you search the keyword "relationships," you will see both the "place-value-relationships" and "proportional-relationship" tags as results.
Multiple Search Terms
You can also filter your search further by utilizing several search methods simultaneously. The questions below result from a standard search for CC.2.1.7.D.1 and a tag search for 'application' and include only the questions where both of those searches apply.