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What is Independent Practice?
What is Independent Practice?

Learn how to open subjects to allow students to independently self-study questions and view answers.

Adam Ziv-el avatar
Written by Adam Ziv-el
Updated over 2 months ago

On Albert, there are two ways that teachers can provide students with practice questions:

  1. Opening access to Independent Practice, so that students can freely answer questions and view answers

  2. Selecting specific questions and assigning work to students

What’s the difference between opening vs. closing access to Independent Practice?

  • When a subject is “open” for Independent Practice, students in the classroom can independently make attempts and view answers to all Practice questions in the subject, excluding questions in the Assessments and Free Response sections.

  • When a subject is “closed” for Independent Practice, students can only practice questions that teachers have added to assignments.

What happens if I open Independent Practice for my class?

  • Students enrolled in the class will be able to independently practice all questions in the subject, excluding questions in the Assessments and Free Response sections.

  • Questions in the Assessments tab are never open for Independent Practice. To let your students practice on assessment questions, you must assign the assessment to your class.

Note: You must individually open Independent Practice for each of your Albert classrooms.

How do I know if a subject is open for Independent Practice?

When you create a class, all subjects are closed for Independent Practice. You must opt-in to open a subject for Independent Practice.

To check which subjects are open for Independent Practice, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Classes tab.

  2. Click on one of your classes.

  3. Click on the Class Subjects sub-tab.

  4. Click on the filter Independent Practice.

If you have subjects that are open for Independent Practice, they will be listed on this tab. If no subjects are open for Independent Practice, no subjects will be listed, and you’ll see a message “Students can only practice on questions you've assigned to them.”

Should I open or close Independent Practice?

If you’re not sure whether to open or close Independent Practice, here are some ways teachers have used open and closed practice.

Why should I open Independent Practice?

Many teachers use Albert to provide supplementary practice for their students, but don’t want to spend time creating assignments. With just a few clicks, teachers can open access to Independent Practice, so their students can immediately have access to hundreds of practice questions and answers.

Why should I close Independent Practice?

Other teachers want to use Albert to create formative assessments or graded assignments. These teachers might want to close Independent Practice so that students can only practice and view answers to questions that they’ve assigned.

How do I open Independent Practice?

To open Independent Practice:

  1. Find your subject in the course library

  2. Click Practice Settings

  3. Toggle on Independent Practice for any class. You will know that Independent Practice is open for a particular class if the toggle is blue.

Note: To close Independent Practice, follow steps 1-2 above then toggle off Independent Practice for the intended class.

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