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How do I give students access to Albert?
How do I give students access to Albert?

Learn how students gain access to specific subjects and how your license's "Seats Used" metric is calculated.

Luke Liu avatar
Written by Luke Liu
Updated over 4 months ago

Giving Students Access to Subjects

Students gain access to Albert questions by joining classes with work assigned, either by assignments or Independent Practice. The class must belong to an approved teacher at a school with an active license.


  • A licensed teacher creates a class. The teacher then assigns questions from Algebra 1. All students who join that class will have access to the assigned questions.

  • If the same teacher wants their students to also access SAT® or ACT® Math questions, the teacher will need to either create an assignment or open Independent Practice. The students enrolled in that class will then gain access to the additional subjects.

An Albert school license gives schools and teachers access to all subjects on Albert. However, in order to prevent cheating, students can only access questions in a subject once a teacher gives them access.

Impact on License Usage

A school's seat count is calculated based on the unique number of students enrolled in classes at the school, regardless of how many subjects each student uses or the number of classes they are enrolled in. A student can be enrolled in multiple subjects and/or multiple classes, and still only count as one student toward the license usage.

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