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What are points?

Learn what points are, how they are calculated, and where to view your total point value.

Luke Liu avatar
Written by Luke Liu
Updated over 5 months ago

Students earn points by answering questions correctly if it's their first attempt on that question.

Points are meant to be a minor reward for students as they practice, rather than an informative measurement of a student's comprehension.ย 

To view more informative student and class data, we suggest viewing your students' detailed profiles or viewing your assignment data.

How are points calculated?ย 

If a student answers a question correctly on their first attempt, they're awarded points based on the difficulty of the question:

  • Easy = 15 points

  • Medium = 25 points

  • Difficult = 50 points

Where can I see points earned?

Albert students and teachers can view their total points earned by clicking on their username on the top right corner of the navigation bar.

Teachers can view the total number of points their class has earned in the Overview subtab of the class dashboard.

Teachers can view the total number of points each of their students has earned in their Student Profiles.

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