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Why are questions locked?
Why are questions locked?

Learn if you have access to Albert questions.

Sarah Ruiz-Baranov avatar
Written by Sarah Ruiz-Baranov
Updated over 3 months ago

Teachers with a School License

If you are seeing a prompt to unlock the answer with a license:

In order for you to access your school's Albert license, you must meet the following criteria:

Contact your school's administrator if you believe that your school has Albert access and you would like to become an approved teacher.

If you are an approved teacher, but your students are prevented from practicing:

Once students are enrolled in your classroom, you must provide students access to specific subjects by either:

Any Albert question not part of an active assignment or opened for independent practice will be locked for students.

Subscriptions And Teacher Licenses

If you purchased an Albert Subscription, you will only have access to that individual subject. You can view your active subscriptions by going to My Accounts Page.

If you purchased a Teacher License, you will only have access to subjects in your domain. You can view your license type by going to My Accounts Page.

If you have any questions about your license or subscription status, please contact

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