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Tutor Onboarding - Getting Started
Tutor Onboarding - Getting Started

Learn how to create a tutoring account, create a class, enroll students, and give students practice.

Molly Cohen avatar
Written by Molly Cohen
Updated over 4 months ago

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Step 1 - Creating an account

  1. Go to Click Sign Up in the top-right corner.

  2. Select I’m a teacher.

  3. Fill in the requested information. [Pro-tip]: If you have a Google account, you can use Google sign-in and skip confirming your account.

  4. Click Sign-up.

  5. You will receive a confirmation email. Use the link in the email to confirm your account, then follow the on-screen prompts to activate it.

Step 2 - Creating a class

  1. Log into your Albert account and click the Classes tab at the top of your page.

  2. Click New Class in the top right corner.

  3. Create a name for your class, and ensure you are aligned with the correct tutoring company. If you do not see your company, please email with the company’s name and address.

  4. Click Create Class.

  5. Your class is now created, and you can start inviting students to join your class. Your class will appear on your Classes tab under Active.

Creating a class is the key to getting started on Albert. Classes allow you to grant students access to your license, assign work, and access data reports.

Helpful Tips:

  • Create different Albert classes for either each student you tutor or each subject your students study.

    • Tutoring singular students across various subjects? We suggest you create a single class for each student that includes all of the subjects they are studying. This way, you only give them access to the subjects they need, and you can see all of their data in one place.

    • Tutoring multiple students in one subject? We suggest you create one classroom for all of your students.

Step 3 - Inviting or enrolling students

In the Classes tab, click the Invite Students button for the desired class.

On Albert, there are four ways to enroll your students:

  1. Class enrollment code

  2. Email invitations

  3. Import Google Classroom

  4. LTI Rostering

Note: We recommend using Options 1 or 2 for tutors.

Option 1 - Class enrollment code

You can view your unique class enrollment code by selecting Display class code on your Classes tab. Next, you'll need to provide your students with the unique class code so they can enroll in your class.

Instruct students to complete the following steps:

  1. Create an account if they don't already have one. If they have an account, they should log in at

  2. Direct students to click on the Classes tab at the top of the page, click Join a Class, and enter the code you provided.

  3. Once they've successfully joined your class, they will see a green box that says "Success!". You can confirm that the student has successfully joined your classroom by viewing the Enrolled students on your People tab.

You can regenerate a classroom code by clicking on the information icon, as seen in the image below. Regenerating codes prevents students from sharing codes with other students and gaining access to your class.

Note: If you click the button Generate A New Code, only the newly generated code will work for students not yet enrolled. Any student already enrolled will remain in your classroom.

Option 2 - Email invitations

This method sends your students an email invite to join your class. Students can then either log-in and accept the invite directly on Albert or click the link in the email they receive. If students aren't receiving Albert emails, check out this article.

  1. Select the Classes tab and select a class of your choice. Next, select the Invite Students button.

  2. Click the Invite by email button.

  3. A popup will appear. From here, you can manually type in student emails (if you choose this route, separate student emails with either a comma or push the return key), copy and paste student emails, or upload a CSV with student emails. When finished, click Send invitations.

  4. Direct your students to follow the account set-up instructions in the email.

Option 3 - Import Google Classroom

If you use Google Classroom, you can use the Google Classroom sync to import your roster and enroll your students.

Option 4 - Import from LMS

You can import your LMS roster if your school uses a compatible Learning Management System. Click here to see which Learning Management Systems Albert connects with. Connect with your administrator if you are unsure whether your school has set up an integration with your LMS and Albert.

Step 4 - Creating practice opportunities for students

There are two ways for students to practice on Albert: assignments or independent practice.

Next Steps:

After you've created or accepted an invitation for an Albert teacher account, created a class, and enrolled students, we suggest checking out these next steps:

Still Need Help?

Email us at or reach out via the chat bubble on our site.

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