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How do students take assessments?

Learn how to complete an assessment on Albert.

Luke Liu avatar
Written by Luke Liu
Updated over a week ago

Only teachers with an active school license can assign assessments, and only students who have been assigned an assessment can access them.

Accessing the Assessment

After assigning an assessment, your students can access it by following the steps below:

  1. Sign in to Albert.

  2. Click on the Classes tab at the top of the screen.

  3. View assignments on the left-hand side. The assessment will appear there.

Alternatively, students can access assessments by navigating to their teacher’s classroom. Students can follow these steps to access the assessment via the teacher’s classroom:

  1. Click Go to Classroom on the class tile in question

  2. Click on the Assessments tab

  3. The resulting list shows assessments that the teacher has assigned for that course. You can filter this list to see open (i.e. assessments you need to submit), or closed assessments (assessments you submitted or are no longer able to complete).

  4. Click on the assessment you'd like to take. Clicking this will take you to the assessment details page. Here you can note if the assessment has a time limit or not. Assessments with time limits must be completed in one sitting.

  5. To start the assessment, click Start assignment.

Completing the Assessment

After opening an assessment, students can follow these steps to answer questions:

  1. Answer questions by selecting or inputting an answer and clicking Submit answer. Answers are automatically saved as you go. Click Skip for now to move to the next question without submitting your answer to the current question.

  2. After you have selected or submitted an answer to every question, click Submit Assignment. Any unsubmitted answers will be submitted for you when you submit the assignment.

  3. Results will be available either immediately after submitting the assessment or after the due date passes, based on the assignment settings selected by your teacher.

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