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How do I set custom student assignment settings?
How do I set custom student assignment settings?

Customize assignments for specific classes and students, including custom timers and due dates.

Sarah Ruiz-Baranov avatar
Written by Sarah Ruiz-Baranov
Updated over 2 months ago

Teachers often wish to provide differentiated assignments to students. Albert enables this by allowing you to send assignments to specific students or customize assignment settings for classes and individual students.

Assigning Your Assignment from the Assignment Builder

After you've selected questions from the Assignment Builder, click on the Assign button in the top right corner.

  1. If you haven't yet named your assignment, you can do so now.

  2. Click on the Add Class button on the left panel to select which of your classrooms to send this assignment to.

    1. To edit the list of classrooms, select the Add Class button and select the classes that you’d like to add or remove.

    2. When a classroom is selected, all students will be selected by default.

      1. To manually select a specific list of students who should receive the assignment:

        1. Click on the arrow next to the student’s class.

        2. You can remove the checkmark next to each student to select who shouldn’t receive the assignment. Alternatively, you can uncheck "All Students" and then select only the specific students who should receive it.

      2. If students are not yet enrolled in your class, the default will be to send this assignment to all future enrollees.​

  3. Select your default settings. For details on each setting, expand the relevant section below. Once you have selected the default choices, you can now customize for classes and/or students:

    1. To customize a class setting:

      1. Click the Customize button next to the class.

      2. Modify the settings as needed. All students in this class will receive the custom setting.

      3. Click the Done button next to the class name.

    2. To customize a student setting:

      1. Click on the arrow next to the student’s class.

      2. Click the Customize button next to the student's name.

      3. Modify their settings as needed. The student will receive their custom settings instead of the class or default settings.

      4. Click the Done button next to the student’s name.

    3. To reset to your overall default settings or to remove a class, click the three dots next to the class name.

Once you've finished editing your assignment preferences, click Send Assignment.

For detailed steps on each specific assignment option, expand the sections below:

Customizing Start Date and Time

By default, an assignment’s start date is set immediately, meaning that students will have access to the assignment as soon as you click Assign. To select a different start date and/or start time, simply click on the dropdown Immediately and select the intended start date/time.

To set a due date for individual students, click the arrow next to the student’s class and adjust the due date for each specific student as needed.

Customizing Due Date and Time

You must select a due date before assigning it to students. You can choose one due date for all classes, or, after you select classroom(s), click on the Choose… dropdown next to Due to select due dates for each classroom.

To set a due date for individual students, click the arrow next to the student’s class, then click Customize next to the student's name. Next, adjust the due date for each specific student as needed:

Customizing Time Limits

If you want to set a time limit for your students, input a time limit (in minutes). This would define how long your students have to complete the assignment after opening it for the first time. By default, assignments don’t have time limits.

You can choose one time limit for all classes, or, click Customize next to each individual class to change the timers for each classroom.

To set a timer for individual students, click the arrow next to the student’s class, then click Customize next to the student's name. Next, adjust the timer for each specific student as needed:

Customizing Other Assignment Options

  1. Allow late submissions: You can choose whether or not to allow students to submit the assignment after the due date/time. By default, late submissions are not allowed.

    1. You can select this for all classes or click Customize next to each individual class to change whether or not you allow late submissions for each classroom.

    2. To customize whether individual students can submit assignments late, click the arrow next to the student’s class and adjust the late submission setting for each student as needed.

  2. Randomize question order: You can choose to randomize the order of the questions in the assignment. By default, questions will appear in the same order for every student.

    1. You can select this for all classes or click Customize next to each individual class to change whether or not you randomize the question order for each classroom.

    2. To customize whether individual students have a randomized assignment, click the arrow next to the student’s class setting for each student as needed.

  3. Show Correct answers and explanations: Teachers have the following options for the behavior of explanations in the assignment, after each question, after assignment completion, or after due date has passed:

    1. You can select one option for all classes or click Customize next to each individual class to change whether or not each classroom sees the correct answers and explanations.

    2. To customize when individual students see the answers and explanations, click the arrow next to the student’s class setting for each student as needed.

  4. Message: You can also input a message that students will see when they open the assignment. This message is optional. When a message is included, students view it before actually starting to answer assignment questions.

    1. You can set one message for all classes or click Customize next to each individual class to the messages by class.

    2. To customize the message individual students see, click the arrow next to the student’s class setting for each student as needed.

Adjusting the settings of an already assigned Assignment

If you'd like to apply custom student assignment settings to an existing assignment, start by clicking on the Classes tab and follow the step outlined below.

  1. Select the class and click the View Class button.

  2. Select the Assignments sub-tab.

  3. Click on Actions next to the assignment that you wish to adjust.

  4. Select Settings.

  5. On the left panel, you can modify the recipients.

  6. To add a class to the assignment, click the Add Class button and then select the classes you wish to assign to from the list. The selected classes will appear in the left panel.*

  7. To add or remove a specific student, click on the arrow next to their class and then select or deselect the student from the list.*

Once you've adjusted your assignment settings, click Save Changes in the top right-hand corner.

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