If you need to adjust the recipients, timer, due date, or any other assignment options on an already created assignment, you can do so in your Assignments sub-tab.
Click on the Classes tab, select the class and click the View Class button.
Select the Assignments sub-tab.
Click on Actions next to the assignment that you wish to adjust.
Select Settings.
Changing Recipients
On the Choose Recipients page, click the Select Students drop-down and then click the boxes next to each students’ name.
Adjusting the title, start date, due date, timer, and other assignment options
Adjusting certain settings, such as the due date, can provide students with extra time if they do not complete an assignment during class.
Follow steps 1-4 above.
Click Next on the assignment recipients page.
Update desired fields on the Assignment Options page and select Submit.
Note: Students will get an email notification once you save changes to the assignment.