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How do I use Schoology on Albert as a teacher?
How do I use Schoology on Albert as a teacher?

Learn how to import your roster into Albert and sync grades from Albert to Schoology.

Nate Rodriguez avatar
Written by Nate Rodriguez
Updated over 4 months ago

Note: Before you can use Schoology with your students, your administrator needs to connect your school’s Schoology account with Albert. Please contact your technology specialist to confirm your Albert license is integrated with Schoology. Technology specialists can use these directions to learn how to integrate Schoology.

What does Albert’s Schoology integration provide schools?

  • The ability for students to automatically access Albert with their Schoology accounts

  • The ability to import student rosters from Schoology into Albert

  • The ability to sync grades from Albert assignments to the Schoology gradebook.

Importing a Roster

You can import a roster from Schoology into Albert by following the steps below:

  1. Open the class you’d like to import into Albert in Schoology.

  2. Click Albert in the sidebar of the Schoology class. A new window should open and redirect you to Albert.

  3. Find the Albert class you’d like to import your roster into or create a new class.

  4. Click Invite Students on the class.

  5. Click Import from LMS.

  6. Confirm the roster information is correct.

  7. Click Import.

What if my Schoology classes are linked?

When classes are linked in Schoology, Schoology sends us only the first class roster. This means that if your Schoology classes are linked, you will only be able to import your first section into Albert.

If you are unable to unlink your Schoology classes, we recommend using the Class Code enrollment option instead.

Video Tutorial: Import Roster

Adding an Albert Assignment to Materials

Schoology does not currently support adding Albert to course materials as an External Tool.

How do I sync assignment grades from Albert with Schoology?

Note: Before you can sync assignments and grades from Albert with Schoology, your school must configure the integration. Technology specialists can use these directions to learn how to setup a Schoology integration.

Before syncing an assignment, you'll want to make sure that you have at least one category set up within Grade Setup tab in your Schoology class. The category that you'd like Albert assignments to populate as should be starred as your default category. If you notice that grades are not populating within your Schoology gradebook, you'll want to check that you have categories set up within Schoology. If you notice Albert grades are populating in your gradebook as ungraded, you'll want to make sure you have a category starred and set as your default.

Syncing an assignment from Albert with Schoology will create a new line item in your Schoology gradebook. Student results on the Albert assignment will automatically populate in Schoology as your students complete the assignment, and explanations in Albert are made available to them. If students have already started an assignment when you sync an assignment, existing published grades will backfill.

Albert assignments that are synced will NOT show up as materials in Schoology.

To sync an assignment from Albert with your gradebook in Schoology, you must have previously imported your roster from Schoology and have set a default category for grades in your Schoology gradebook.

You can sync an assignment by clicking the Sync button from the confirmation page that shows after you create an assignment:

Alternatively, you can sync an assignment by clicking “Sync” next to the assignment from your classroom assignment list:

If you see an info icon instead of a sync button, it is because the class roster was not previously imported from Schoology. Click here to learn how to import a roster from Schoology.

If you do not see a sync button or an info icon, it is because your school has not yet configured a Schoology integration. Technology specialists can use these directions to learn how to integrate Schoology.

What happens when I “re-sync” an assignment?

Re-syncing an assignment will delete the existing gradebook entry in Schoology, create a new entry for the assignment, and re-populate any existing grades. If you are encountering any issues with the syncing functionality or made changes in Schoology that you want to revert, re-syncing the assignment can help.

What should I do if I get an error while syncing grades?

To troubleshoot issues with grade syncing, go through these steps:

  1. Re-sync your Albert class roster with Schoology. Click here to learn how to re-sync your roster with Schoology.

  2. Try syncing or re-syncing the assignment in Albert.

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