Albert's content is aligned to learning standards that are taken directly from curriculum guides such as Common Core State Standards, College Board, Next Generation Science Standards, etc.
You can find questions aligned to Integrated Math standards by using our tag search, which can be accessed from any subject guide by clicking on the Tags drop-down menu near the top of the guide. Additionally, you can reveal the solution to questions to see the associated tags below the detailed explanation.
Our integrated math tags can be found in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Geometry. Use the tags math-1, math-2, and math-3 to find Integrated Math questions.
Searching questions by tag
To search by a particular tag, follow these steps:
Click into the desired subject
Click the Tags button in the top right
Type in the desired Integrated Math tag (i.e. Math-1, Math-2, or Math-3)
Click Apply
View all aligned questions
Using the reveal solution to view associated tags
Additionally, you can click into specific questions and show the explanation to see the associated tags. To view a question's tags, follow these steps:
Click into the desired question
Click Show Solution to reveal the detailed explanation and explanation of distractors
Scroll down to find the listed tags
Click on the desired tag to reveal a list of all questions in the subject aligned to that tag
Integrated Math Assessments
We also offer three end-of-course exams in our Integrated Math (assessments only) subject.